Let’s start something!

Hey there, I’m Chris, a creator through and through. My passion is helping people and businesses to solve problems with unique ideas that then become designed solutions. I’ve been on both sides of the field, and led creative teams both in-house and agency side. Through these experiences I’ve developed expertise in user experience, brand story telling and campaign development. Although I typically tell people I’m just an artist, because I dip into most every creative medium.

Enough about me though, I’d like to hear about you! So, like kids on the playground, just say “Hi!” and we can take it from there. You can reach me at chris@somekidstudio.com or you can just fill out the form on this page.

Client Experience:
Facebook, Instagram, Reebok, O’Neill Surf Co, JBL, Crayola, SlideBelts Inc, Pepsi, Mtn Dew, SoBe, Pizza Hut, AIGA, Salesforce, DonQ Rum, Annheuser Busch, Diageo, Hewlett Packard.

Internal Teams Experience:
Facebook, Salesforce, Crayola