Don Q Rum

Don Q Rum was Puerto Ricos number 1 rum brand, produced and sourced right in Puerto Rico. However, not number 1 in the US. Our aim was to change that. Starting with the face and logo of the brand. Coming down to the package and bottle, We couldn’t change the shape, hence keeping it simple and letting the new face do all the talking.

I worked within the design team where we created the tag-line, logo, package designs, ads, in-store displays, and branded patterns. Personally I created the tagline lock-up, and the ads using assets that we all created, or had hands on at one point or another.

My Role: Art Direction, Design, Illustration

Jeff Pappas: Design Director, Illustration

Aaron Schrade: Senior Art Director

Corey Reifinger: Art Director, Design

Joanna Pietrylowski: Design, Illustration

Sandy Stein: Executive Creative Director, Copywriter

Phil Camarota: Creative Director

Length of Project: 6 Months

Awards: HOW Packaging Design Award