Reebok Z-Pump &
Z-Pump Franchise

In partnership with the NYC agency Mother, we developed a more conceptual story for the launch of the new Reebok pump running shoe. This was also the re-launch of the pump shoe that debuted its technology in the early 90s.

We focused on “The Rise of Feet” and the positive reinforcements, comfort, and all around amazing run that the new and improved pump shoe for running would provide. Shortly after the launch of the Z-Pump running shoe, Reebok began development of a training shoe using this technology. The Z-Pump training shoe, paired with kevlar, outdoor treads and reinforced ankle support giving new meaning to the get-up and go world of Cross-Fit.

I created the primary key visuals, in-store, and window displays to drive this concept, then art directed 3D teams for the in-store launch space in partnership with the associate creative director.

My Role: Art Direction, Design

Mother: Concept

Steve Laufer: 3D Renderings

Chris Nazzaro: Creative Director, Design

Length of Project:
6 months