Think Outside the Quota

With the launch of the B2B focused streaming service from Salesforce, aptly named “Salesforce+” we needed content to populate the streaming platform. This couldn’t just be anything business related though. We needed to be thoughtful, yet playful, we needed to educate as well as provoke and inspire people from all across the marketing, and sales industries.

I worked closely with my copy and content team to create a concept around the problem at hand, and then we each wrote scripts for the first 3 episodes with sales leaders in mind like Cynthia Barnes. From there I developed the art direction based on the Sales Cloud product, along with my own personal touch of illustration and animation. Then we began production where we hired and interviewed animators, and a stellar film production agency to produce it all with myself, our internal creative director, and content team to help direct each episode from end to end.

Watch the show on Salesforce+


Quickly approaching deadlines, an ever-changing brief, and limited super stars available on short notice. We needed to create an 8 episode, easily digestible, and quick watch show that identifies what success looks like through a pandemic.


Targeting the CRO and C-Suite level execs, identify topics that are relevant and meaningful through times where the world is changing faster than most businesses can keep up with. Show what success looks like through that lens with various businesses and business situations, and how these successful people have found it.


Flexibility is key across the board. When moving fast, your first idea is usually the best way forward. Overstaffing, does not mean a quicker production. Syncing with campaign strategy teams early and often helps significantly when moving fast.

My Role: Creative Direction, Design, Illustration, Animation, Storyboards, Copywriter

Boomer Cruz: Senior Copywriter, Scripts, Concept

Caitlyn Blake: Designer

Buddy Giguere: Animation, Illustration

Monique Wray: Animation, Illustration

Cory Pulliam: Executive Creative Director, Writer, Producer

Emma Brumpton: Executive Producer

Melissa Leu: Copywriter, Content Direction

Length of Project: 4 months to first air